Tulsa State Fair Jumps On The Unclaimed Money In Oklahoma Band Wagon

Did you know that the state of Oklahoma is holding onto $100,000s in unclaimed money? Not just one, one-hundred thousand, but multiple hundreds of thousands of dollars – and this money could be yours if you are the rightful owner. To find out, all you have to do is attend the Tulsa State Fair this year. Yes, it seems that even Oklahoma is getting in on the unclaimed money bandwagon. There will be a booth set up this year where any resident can search to see if they are indeed the rightful owner of some of these funds.
In previous years Oklahoma has tried several different ways to get the word out about this growing unclaimed money problem and how to actually search for unclaimed money as well as claim it. They seem to have tried everything from issuing ways and lists of the unclaimed funds for all of their state residents as well as held booths at several smaller state fairs in hopes to draw more possible owners. By doing this Oklahoma seems to be drawing a larger crowd every year but this year they are combining their efforts to get the word out by holding a booth at their largest state fair as well as announcing it all over with newspapers as well as their local news channels.
How Does It Work?
Searching for unclaimed money used to be a painstaking process. Today it’s much easier. If you plan to go to the fair this year, look for the booth with the big sign that reads unclaimed money. This is where you will find Oklahoma state workers who are there to help you. Simply give them your first and last name and they’ll help you search the databases of the Oklahoma State Treasury, as well as the Treasury accounts in all 50 states and even a few federal government accounts. You’ll find out almost immediately if you are indeed the rightful owner of some of this cash.
If you can’t attend the Tulsa State Fair and you still think you might be the rightful owner of some of this unclaimed money, you can use your home or office computer or your mobile handset. Simply use your first and last name, just as if you were standing in front of the unclaimed money booth at the fair with your funnel cake, hot dog and soft drink in hand. So even though state fairs obviously have more perks then just the unclaimed money booth you don’t have to stress or worry about waiting around for the next fair to pop up.
If you do find money available using the find unclaimed money search, whether you’re at the home or office or at the fair, you’ll be able to arrange to have that money mailed to you or even forwarded directly into your bank account. This is how easy it is to find unclaimed money, which is why the state is taking matters into their own hands by setting up an unclaimed money booth at the Tulsa State Fair. Show up, try your hand at a search and hopefully you’ll help to ease the State’s burden by collecting the unclaimed money that’s rightfully yours.
Tags: find unclaimed money, find unclaimed money search, Oklahoma State Treasury, search for unclaimed money, searching for unclaimed money, unclaimed money, unclaimed money search