Find Unclaimed Money In Florida Today

When you think of a person attempting to find unclaimed money in Florida, you probably have two images in mind. You might picture the seafarer who anchors off of Florida’s coast in order to search for Spanish treasure or you might picture the elderly gentleman with his long sleeve shirt and casual beach shorts as he waves his trusty metal detector up and down the beach. While these folks may be looking for a type of missing money, there is another type that adds up to at least a billion dollars and you won’t find it buried in the ocean or the sand.
Of course we’re talking about Florida unclaimed money, of which 8 in 10 people may be the rightful owners of. There is also a way easier way to look for and find these types of funds then spending a full day, week or month walking around a hot sandy beach looking for “buried treasure” which might not even exist. Well these missing funds in Florida do exist and you don’t need a treasure map or a metal detector to conduct this kind of search. Just you very own first and last name and your is not only well under way but also quickly completed. So maybe you should think about it. Are you the rightful owner of lost or missing money? There really is only one way to find out.
Florida Unclaimed Money – No Scuba Equipment or Shovels Required
You really don’t need to dig around in the sand to find unclaimed money in Florida. You merely need an Internet connection and any kind of device to utilize it such as a lap top, tablet or even directly from your mobile phone. The fact is, right now the state of Florida is holding onto more than a billion dollars in lost or unclaimed money and the state’s Bureau of Unclaimed Property can not possibly contact the hundreds of thousands of people who are listed in the unclaimed money registry in Florida let alone nationwide.
That means that it is up to each and every single current and former residents of Florida to conduct their own search and finally find and claim their piece of this unclaimed money problem. A search that will only take but a few minutes and will actually benefit everyone involved.
Florida Unclaimed Money Sources
You may be wondering where all of this money comes from. The fact is, there are dozens of sources of lost or missing money. A short list includes but is not limited to:
- Abandoned Bank Accounts/Safe Deposit Boxes
- Missing Wages
- Insurance Payments
- Inheritances
- Utility/Rental/Security Deposits
- Tax/Overpayment Refunds
- Company Stocks/Old 401K’s
The amounts vary wildly, so much so that one person could find twenty dollars while another could find several thousand depending on the source. The names on the Florida unclaimed money registry originate from personal and business accounts alike, so residents are encouraged to search for both along with anything else you could possibly think of, when trying to find unclaimed money in Florida.
With over a billion dollars unaccounted for, it really is time to pull that treasury hunting ship into shore and throw down that metal detector. Finding unclaimed money in Florida really has become easier than ever. You really only have to do a search using your first and last name or any business names you might have owned and operated and see if you have any missing money in the great state of Florida that rightfully belongs to you.
Tags: find unclaimed money in Florida, Florida unclaimed money, Florida unclaimed money registry, lost or unclaimed moneyHow Do You Find Unclaimed Money?

What would you do if you suddenly found yourself $100 richer? What if you suddenly found $200? Would life be a little easier? Could you finally afford the newest gadget or that family fun-filled vacation? What if you were told that you might have lost money somewhere out there, and that all you’d have to do to get your hands on that money is search for it? Would you be interested?
No, this isn’t a scam. Lost or unclaimed money is a very real phenomenon and millions of Americans just like you are affected. This unclaimed money could come from abandoned bank accounts, unreturned utility and rental deposits, court and insurance settlements that you never collected and even inheritance money. The only thing you have to do is learn how to find unclaimed money. Find unclaimed money and you might find that you’re suddenly a hundred, two hundred or even a thousand dollars richer.
How to Find Unclaimed Money
Just a few years ago, if you wanted to find unclaimed money, you would have had to hire someone to search for it for you. This exhaustive process involved sending letters to various government agencies and corporate offices in the hopes of uncovering unclaimed money in the client’s name. Then there were costs involved, first to track this money down and then to actually claim it. Today, the process of finding unclaimed money is much easier, as it can be done from any home or office computer with an Internet connection. You can even find unclaimed money using any Internet-ready mobile device.
Simply use your first and last name and press submit. Yes, it really is that easy. The database will search and find unclaimed money, if it exists, and you’ll be able to see in a matter of seconds how much money you have and what government or corporate entity is holding it. You may find that you have unclaimed money in the form of a tax refund from two years ago. That could be a thousand dollars or even five thousands, depending on how much you make. Now that you know how to find unclaimed money, you should try right away. Then, spread the word and tell everyone you know about the free and easy unclaimed money search.
The more people we teach how to find unclaimed money, the higher our chances will be of eradicating this problem forever.
Tags: find unclaimed money, free and easy unclaimed money search, how to find unclaimed money, lost or unclaimed money, unclaimed money, uncliamed money search