Does Washington Have Lost Money?
The state of Washington is facing a massive dilemma that could negatively affect its economy for years to come. It turns out that the state is holding onto millions of dollars of lost money. The term ‘lost money’ represents funds that belong to average Washington citizens and former citizens alike. The money comes from abandoned bank accounts, unprocessed payroll checks, insurance claims that were never collected, child support payments, and many other sources. There are so many sources accountable in the search for lost money in Washington that the problem is almost impossible to track.
With Washington’s economy already in trouble, state officials are demanding answers, and yet the situation only raises more questions. Where is all of this lost money coming from? More importantly, why aren’t the citizens searching for lost money in Washington en masse? The citizens should be jumping for a chance to fatten their bank accounts and in the process we might finally erase the Washington lost money problem forever.
The lost money problem in Washington is not new. Every state in the Union – from Michigan to Texas, and from Rhode Island to Oregon – is holding lost money that belongs to its citizens. The problem is that most citizens aren’t aware of the problem at all. Lost money in Washington, as it is in states all across the union, continues to get worse because the citizens as a whole are largely unaware of the problem. Washington, like other states, needs to enact an initiative that will let every citizen know that there is a lost money problem out there.
This Washington lost money initiative could state with a grass roots campaign that starts with word-of-mouth and then progresses to online marketing and flyer marketing, the state could even send out mass mailers or launch television and radio commercials. Once people are aware of the problem, they can start searching for lost money en masse and we might see an end to this problem in our lifetime.
If you have ever lived in the state of Washington, do the citizens and the economy a favor and search for Washington lost money. You might just find that you have hundreds, thousands or more waiting for you out there. Simply use your first and last name, hit submit and you just might find Washington lost money in your name.
Tags: lost money, lost money in Washington, search for lost money in Washington, Washington lost money, Washington lost money problem