It’s Simple To Find Lost Funds

Out of all the activities used to obtain money, by far the easiest has to be finding lost funds. When you consider that people are out there working for a buck, some play the lottery and a few engage in illegal acts to get ahead, everyone is after some kind of money. The good thing about looking for lost funds is that it’s easy to do, it’s not in the least bit illegal and you can search for and find lost funds right from the comfort of home or the office. Or if you have a smartphone, you could technically search for lost funds from your place in line at the Wendy’s drive-through, or anywhere else for that matter. With an activity so easy and with potential money at the other end of that activity, the question is: Why isn’t everyone searching for lost funds as we speak?
The truth is, not too many know about this phenomenon known as ‘lost funds’. Most people think they have a good handle on their own personal finances, or at least somewhat of a good handle, and they can’t imagine a scenario where money might get away from them or become lost.
This causes many individuals to become quite surprised when they search for and find lost funds on their first attempt. Some find lost funds originating from an old apartment where the landlord had returned half of the rental deposit only you never received it. In some cases, the money results from an abandoned bank account from long ago. Some find child support payments that never reached them from when they were still in elementary school. Stranger things have happened.
You never know what or how much you’ll find until you conduct a lost funds search for yourself. It’s really is super easy and in most cases all you have to do is simply enter your first and last name and hit submit on a trusted directory. Using this simple and easy step by step process with the trusted directory you have chosen and you’ll know in a matter of seconds whether or not your name appears on the US Treasury register for lost or missing funds. It really is that quick and simple.
If you do happen to find lost funds under your name, you’ll find that claiming that money is just as easy as searching for it. With a valid ID or an a new address verification through the DMV or post office is usually all it takes. I mean heck, it’s your money and it should be spent how you want to spend it. Search for and find lost funds today and see how easy it is to recoup the money you lost so long ago. Then just use the money how ever you see fit, whether it is put into saving for you or your children’s future or reinvest it into something else. You can use these funds to catch up on old bills, your monthly mortgage payment or renters cost or on that vacation you have been dreaming of depending on how much money you actually find in your name. The possibilities may be endless and until you take a minute to search, you may never even know what dreams these funds could easily turn into reality.
There Are Even Lost Funds In Oregon

The state of Oregon recently released a report that showed that it is holding onto millions of dollars in unclaimed assets and lost funds. These Oregon lost funds can’t just be sent to the rightful owner. They must be claimed. And in order for that to happen, the current or former Oregon resident needs to step forward. Yes, there are even lost funds in Oregon and until more people become aware of that fact, the amounts being held in Treasury accounts across the state are going to continue to climb.
The Origins of Lost Funds in Oregon
According to the report released by the Oregon Department of State Lands, the department in charge of the lost funds in Oregon, the state is holding onto funds that originate from Savings Bonds, Bank Accounts, Utility Deposits, Stock Dividends, Safe Deposit Box contents and even tax refunds.
Yet when you delve further into the lost funds report, you learn that Oregon lost funds also originate from payroll checks, refunds, overpayments and money orders. The report cites the state’s unclaimed property law that was put into effect in 1957 that requires the state to maintain and provide a central registry of unclaimed property and lost funds.
The Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL) has a vested interest in returning the Oregon lost funds to the rightful owners, but the department can only do so much.
What Happens to Lost Funds in Oregon?
Whether the lost funds resulted from a mail mishap or an address change, the money will be sent to the DSL for safekeeping. There it will be kept in the Common School Fund, where the interest will then go to schools and students in need. The state doesn’t spend the money, but it holds onto and manages it until the rightful owners come forward.
As a current or former resident, you might find that you have lost funds waiting on you to come forward. It is now incredibly easy to search for lost funds in Oregon. Search with your first and last name and press submit. If there is a match, you will know it within a few moments. Then you will be able to claim the funds to spend any way you wish.
Yes, there are still lost funds in Oregon and the sooner you search, the sooner you’ll be able to claim your share (if you have a share out there).
Tags: lost funds, lost funds in Oregon, Oregon lost funds