Did You Get Your Insurance Money When Your Bank Closed?
When you deposit money into a bank, that money is typically insured by the FDIC up to a certain amount. If the bank then closes, you might be entitled to an insurance claim on the money you may have lost. Most people don’t know about insurance on the money and assume the money is simply lost whenever the bank closes. If you suspect that you may have left insurance money behind some time ago, or even if you’re just curious, you might want to check the Find Unclaimed Money database.
Insurance Money is Piling Up
The Find Unclaimed Money database is one of the largest in the world for finding lost or unclaimed money. When insurance money from a closed bank gets sent to the treasury office in a particular state, that treasury office is then obligated to find the rightful owners of that money. If the rightful owners cannot be located, the money sits in limbo until the person who owns the insurance money steps forward.
Most of the insurance money sitting in treasury offices across the country has no apparent owner. The owners either moved from their previous addresses or the names have been mixed up – there are many reasons for the insurance money becoming lost and unclaimed in the first place. Now it’s the rightful owners’ job to use the Find Unclaimed Money database to reclaim what belongs to them.
Find Unclaimed Money Database – Free and Easy to Use
If you have an online connection, you can use the Find Unclaimed Money database. Search using your first and last name and you’ll instantly know if there is insurance money in your name. You’ll be able to claim the money in a few simple steps and then you can either have a check wired to you or you can have the money direct deposited into your bank account.
If you have ever had money in a bank that closed, you may have insurance money coming to you. Search the Find Unclaimed Money database today. It only takes a moment and it may provide you with peace of mind and a healthy sum to boot.
Tags: find unclaimed money database, insurance money