Georgia Is Still Dealing With Missing Money

Georgia is certainly not exempt from the missing money problem. The state, like many others in the nation, is currently managing millions of dollars that belong to the hard working current and former residents of this great state. It’s going to take a miracle to return all that money to the rightful owners –a miracle, or a state-wide missing money initiative. The state’s Department of Revenue hopes it’s the latter as it sets out to make everyone aware that there is most definitely missing money in Georgia.
Drawing Attention to a Growing Problem
The state’s Treasurers want all residents, even those who used to live there, to know that there is still a lot of Georgia missing money to contend with, and the problem keeps growing daily. Tax returns from years past, bank accounts that have long been abandoned, insurance payouts – the list goes on. These checks keep flowing in with no identity to tie them to. The problem won’t slow down or stop altogether until the rightful owners step forward to claim the Georgia missing money as their own.
Georgia Missing Money – How to Claim It As Your Own
If you suspect that you may have missing money in Georgia, it doesn’t cost you anything to conduct an initial search. You simply enter your first and last name into the database search box at Find Unclaimed Money at the results will appear instantly. If you do have Georgia missing money coming to you, you’ll know where it came from and how to claim it.
Claiming the money is easy. You’ll have to confirm your identity, since the entity in question won’t want to release the money to just anyone. Then you’ll have to tell the entity in question how you’d like to receive the Georgia missing money. You can receive it by mail in the form of a check, which is the most common option, or in some cases you can have the money wired to your bank account.
The money will then be yours to use, spend or save as your own. It’s so simple, anyone can do it. So if you used to live in Georgia or you live there now and you’re curious as to whether or not you have Georgia missing money in your name, you’ll want to conduct your search today.