Arizona Has Lost Money To Worry About Too

Lost money in Arizona is a subject not often talked about and it’s no wonder why. The state is currently holding onto more than a billion dollars in lost money – money that belongs to millions of current and former residents. With so much money to contend with, it’s clear that most residents have no idea the money exists. If they did, they would have searched for and claimed all that money long ago.


Lost Money in Arizona – How Did It Get This Way?

Treasury officials are stumped as to how the Arizona lost money problem climbed to the level it has. The registry is so long that it would be impossible for the sparsely employed treasurer’s office to contact every person on the list. The only hope is for the residents, those who currently live in the state and those who have moved out of state, to conduct a search for lost money in Arizona. Never before has that search been easier.


Searching for Lost Money

If you have access to the Internet, you can search for money you may have left behind in Arizona. You can do a search like this through any means possible, by tablet or mobile phone or even at an online cafe or a public library. The state collects money every year from safe deposit box contents, abandoned bank accounts, insurance checks, lost wages and inheritances that have yet to be claimed. When this money is sent to Arizona lost money accounts, it can remain for years until the rightful owner comes forward.

see what turns up in Arizona lost money accountsIn the past, you used to have to pay a third-party to find any money you may have lost through the years. These days you only have to search the Internet for Arizona lost money to find out if your name is indeed on that registry list.

With billions of dollars to contend with, it’s easy to see that Arizona, like most other states in the union, is facing an uphill battle against lost or missing money. Conduct a search today using your first and last name and find out if you have a check waiting on you somewhere. Have you been hoping for a sudden windfall? Search for Arizona lost money and you may get your wish.